Barbara Clancy Head of PIMCO Latin America and the Caribbean Teilen Teilen Share via LinkedIn Share via Facebook Share via Twitter Share via Xing Share via Email Hinzufügen Hinzufügen Download Download Drucken Drucken Ms. Clancy is an executive vice president, head of PIMCO Latin America and the Caribbean, and co-head of the PIMCO New York office. Based in New York, she is responsible for setting strategic direction for the Latin America region and leading a team of PIMCO professionals to deliver innovative investment solutions and best-in-class service to Latin American clients. Ms. Clancy also serves on PIMCO’s global risk committee. Previously at PIMCO, she was head of the private client group and head of business strategy for PIMCO's U.S. global wealth management team. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2010, she worked at Platinum Grove Asset Management, a fixed income relative value hedge fund manager, and in the investment banking division of Morgan Stanley. She has 14 years of investment experience and holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and an undergraduate degree in economics and international relations from Brown University.